NATO EOD Demonstrations and Trials 2014

The most modern EOD techniques, equipment, together with conference, seminars and live demonstrations – all of this took place during the 3rd NATO EOD Demonstrations and Trials 2014 in Trenčín, Slovakia from 30th September to 2nd October 2014.

Following one of the NATO Transformation aspects on integrating technology more deeply into military doctrine and operations in order to improve military capabilities, the main idea of the NATO EOD Demonstrations and Trials 2014 is “New technologies – assistance and limitations of the EOD in post-ISAF era” as a challenge for EOD/IEDD experts, scientists, producers, industry and Subject Matters Experts involved in the fight against terrorism.

The EOD Demonstrations and Trials facilitate multinational cooperation on capabilities through the Defence against Terrorism Programme of Work in support of Smart Defence Initiative. The event sponsored by the NATO Emerging Security Challenges Division offers a tangible and visual example of this cooperation at work, in addition to improving interoperability and offering and opportunity to see and test innovative technologies.

The NATO EOD Demonstrations and Trials featured 42 exhibitors from 14 countries and 140 subject matter experts from 26 countries.