The EOD COE SME to participate in Land Capability Group for Dismounted Soldier System (LCGDSS)

In 2017 NATO Explosive Ordnance Disposal Centre of Excellence (EOD COE) with cooperation with NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency and financed by Defense Against Terrorism Programme of Work (DAT POW) launched the "Integration of the Exoskeleton in the battlefield” project.


In the frame of this project there will be organized conferences and live demonstrations of Exoskeletons for Human Performance Augmentation (EHPA) technologies currently available in the market in order to update the technological baseline that needs to be considered in the development and maintenance of dismounted soldier capabilities and associated operational concepts, in particular for low level tactical operations to include counter-terrorism.
Furthermore, Technology Readiness Level Report and Concept of Operations will be produced upon the completion of the project. The results of this project will help NATO and Nations to understand the technological readiness of EHPA capabilities, support the formulation of NATO Defence Planning Process (NDPP) and minimum capability requirements in this area; national and multinational acquisition, if applicable, through the Smart Defence Initiative; and refinement of operational concepts.
In order to continue this project, the EOD COE SME LTC Grzegorz MOTAK POL(A), participated in LCGDSS meeting organized in the USA, Quantico, Virginia from the 3rd until 7th of April 2017. During the meeting LTC Motak gave a presentation on "Integration of the Exoskeleton in the battlefield” project and the overall plan relating to.
LTC Motak also invited all NATO and Partner Nations to participate in the Pool of Experts and the Team of Experts within the project. Many nations raised their interest in regards to their participation in the Pool of Experts created from both, the industry as well as academia representatives, and also in the Team of Experts.
In addition, the Canadian company  MAWASHI, Dutch  companies TNO/NTP and the US company Lockheed Martin gave some presentations and demos on their EHPA related technology products. LTC Motak invited that companies to participate in the industrial part of the Pool of Experts of the aforementioned project.


Author: LTC Grzegorz Motak, POL(A)

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