Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team Training Event (OMLT TE) JFTC, Bydgoszcz, Poland

In accordance with EOD COE POW 2011, Head of the training development section CPT (SVK A) Alexander HUGYAR participated from 15 Oct till 27 Oct 2011 in the OMLT TE. The OMLT TE was focusing on mentoring, coaching and assisting the continuation training of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) units.

The OMLT TE was composed of three phases:
Phase 1: Mission Specific Training (MST); with a purpose was to synchronize the SMEs lectures,
Phase 2: Functional Area Training (FAT) focusing on OMLT training audience and ANSF participants’ preparation,
Phase 3: Mission Rehearsal Exercise (MRE); which was a practical table exercise based on further deployment of the OMLT training audience and their ANSF colleagues.

During all the OMLT TE parts CPT Alexander Hugyar was playing a role of SME instructor focusing on the EOD area.

Author: CPT Alexander Hugyár
Photo: internet - Date: 15.10.2011