The 24th MILENG Working Group

The Dutch Army in close cooperation with MILENG COE organized „24th MILENG Working Group“  which took place at Dutch Engineer training and Education Centre, Marine Establishment Amsterdam, Netherlands from 13th till 16th of June, 2023.

The aim of the meeting was to finalize the revision of STANAG 2021 „Military Load Classification of bridges, ferries, rafts and vehicles“ and to continue merging of STANAG´s related to Counter-mobility. Last but not least, develop a concept of operations for the Multi-national MILENG Brigade.

The representative of EOD COE MAJ Peter MRAZIK brought his contribution in Doctrine and Planning Panel (DPP) and Terminology Panel.
The meeting was very beneficial for whole MILENG community of interest, including EOD subject matter experts. MILENG function is fully supported by EOD area of expertise.

Photos: MAJ Peter MRAZIK(SVK-A)

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