The 29th C-IED WG Meeting

The Danish Engineer Regiment and Joint Engineers and CBRN Centre in close coordination with the NATO Standardization Office organized the 29th Counter-Improvised Explosive Devices Working Group (C-IED WG). The meeting was held at the Eigtveds Pakhus (Warehouse), Strandgade 25D, DK-1401 Copenhagen, Denmark from 10 to 14 February 2025.

The meeting was focused on the improvement of standards in accordance with NATO Military Committee Land Standardization Board (MCLSB) guidance. The comments for AJP-3.15 SD3 Allied joint doctrine for countering improvised explosive devices (C-IED) were adjudicated and the C-IED Capability Codes and Capability Statements were revised. In the same time, the event was a good opportunity for developing new relations and for information sharing.

MAJ Adrian PETER (ROU-A) and CIV. Stefan SOPCAK (SVK-A) from the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Centre of Excellence (EOD COE) joined the working group and brought their contribution to the Interoperability and Technical Exploitation Panel (ITEP) and to the Doctrine and Terminology Panel (DTP).

The EOD COE is a permanent member of this working group and plays an active role in the C-IED Community of Interest by providing updated information from the EOD field of expertise.

Text: MAJ Adrian PETER (ROU-A)

Photos: MAJ Adrian PETER (ROU-A)

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