Train the Trainer Course on Countering the Threat of Home-made Explosives

This event, being supported by the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme (, was, as usual, held on the premises of the Ammunition Testing Centre (ATC) in Nováky Military Base from 18 to 22 November 2013.

During this 5-day period the EOD COE instructors, together with the ATC and Institute of Energetic Materials (University of Pardubice, Czech Republic) chemists, taught the trainees to effectively recognize and visually identify the presence of home-made explosives, its precursor chemicals and/or manufacturing equipment. Furthermore, the emphasis was as well placed on making the students aware of the individual steps of improvised manufacturing of chlorate, perchlorate, nitrate, nitromethane and peroxide-based home-made explosives. During the practical phase of the course the trainees took advantage of the opportunity to mix selected impovised explosives, watch and differentiate their effects when initiated remotely, as well as to practically utilize the acquired knowledge during the training scenario focusing on the effective reconnaissance of illicit activities within the clandestine HME laboratories.

The EOD-qualified and very experienced Iraqi personnel also shared their experience from number of responses to IED and/or HME calls, discussed the friendly and enemy Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) and latest, current and possibly the future IED and HME trends on their highly affected territory.

All traines successfully graduated from the course and, apart from broadening their own „Counter-the-threat-of-HME“ skills required for their daily duty, they are now apt to spread the gained knowledge and train other members of the Iraqi security forces who have been jointly striving to strengthen the national security and eliminate the ever-present threat of home-made explosives and other explosive devices that regularly wreak havoc there.

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NATO Channel TV video

Author: CPT Petr Tomiczek
Photo: SSG Tomáš Kubík

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