EOD COE delegation headed by Deputy Director, LTC Richard Vidal (FRA Army) visited the GARANT bomb suit demonstration.
Already participating at the NATO EOD Demonstration and Trials 2012 - Initial Planning Conference held on 13 March, they were also required to provide a support to the VOP facility in NOVAKY on 14 March.
Twenty-one representatives from NATO and PFP countries (AUT, BEL, CAN, DEU, FRA, GBR, ITA, NLD, SWE), NATO organizations (SHAPE, CIED COE, EOD COE) and EU (EDA -European Defense Agency) were assigned for this event.
The representatives of the NATO EOD COE led by the Director, COL J. Bieleny, visited NATO C-IED COE and Spanish EOD School in Madrid, Spain, on 21 February 2012.
To fill the gap identified in the knowledge and awareness about conventional munitions around the world the NATO EOD COE created the Former Warsaw Pact Ammunition Course (FWPAC).
EOD COE Subject Matter Experts MAJ Martin Kolar and CPT Alexander Hugyar participated from 4th January till 6th January 2012 in Combined Joined Homemade Explosives Working Group (CJ HME WG ) in New York (USA).
On 19 December 2011 the Director of the EOD COE, Colonel Bieleny received the DEU Defense Attaché LtCol. i.G. Lars Ukerwitz.
A US Joint Command in Europe (Brunssum) delegation, composed of LTC (USA-A) STONER, MAJ (USA-A) MAINOR and WO (USA-A) MALLARD, visited NATO EOD COE in TRENCIN on 15 December 2011 to assess real life support possibilities and in-processing procedures before the appointment of a US SME to the EOD COE the next summer.
A NATO JCBRN CoE delegation, composed of COL (HUN) Janos ZELENAK, Deputy director, and CPT (SVK) Pavel TRUCHLY, Head of Concept and Doctrine Section, visited NATO EOD COE in TRENCIN on the 13th of December 2011 in order to establish tracks for a further cooperation.
EOD COE representatives Col (SVK) J. BIELENY – DIR, Ltc (FRA) R. VIDAL – DDIR, accompanied by Cpt (SVK) I. JAMRICH and Ltc retd (SVK) D. Zoller paid visit to both national and international institutions in German territory “German army engineer school”, “NATO MILENG COE” located in Ingolstadt and “Bundeswehr EOD centre” in Stetten.
Based on invitation letter from Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry of Defence, EOD COE MTT provided from 07Nov till 26Nov 2011 Initial EOD Staff Officer Training (I EOD SOT) in Counter Mine Action Centre (CMAC) Rajlovac.
In period from 23 till 24 November 2011 the representatives of the Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiation and Nuclear (JCBRN) Centre of Excellence (Czech Republic) MAJ Aleš MILAN, CPT Ján HOPLÍČEK, CPT Peter VALENTA visited the International EOD COE Trenčín.
Organized by the Emerging Security Challenges Division/NATO HQ in coordination with other NATO bodies, the ISAF Briefing Day aimed to amend the NATO-wide C-IED Action Plan (MCM-0055-2010, 11 May 2010) thanks to a cross-functional approach and to provide inputs to further C-IED development.
A four-member EOD mobile team (MAJ Kolář (CZE), CPT Šostronek (SVK), CPT Hugyár (SVK), 1LT Čahoj (SVK) left for Rajlovac, ivo Sarajevo (BiH) from 7 till 25 November to carry out an Initial Staff Officer Training Course.
EOD COE Doctrine and Standardization team member, Mr. Daniel Zoller participated in a meeting of the 6th MCLSB C-IED Working Group in Tampa, USA taking place on 17-18 October 2011.