The Director and the Head of Transformation Support Department from the NATO Explosive Ordnance Disposal Centre of Excellence (EOD COE) participated to the 23rd Military Engineering Working Group (MILENG WG) meeting. The event was organized by the Military Engineering Centre of Excellence (MILENG COE) in Ingolstadt, Germany between 06 to 10 February 2023.
In accordance with EOD COE Quality Assurance Plan 2023, a Kick Off Meeting was held on 31st of January in the Centre´s Briefing room. The Director (COL Róbert CSÁSZÁR) assigned to Education & Training Department members the responsibilities of Course Directors (CDs) for courses of year 2023 organized by EOD COE.
he United States Army in close coordination with the Counter-Improvised Explosive Devices Centre of Excellence (C-IED COE) organized the 24th Counter-Improvised Explosive Devices Working Group (C-IED WG). The meeting was held at the Embassy Suites, Alexandria Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia, USA from 5 to 9 December 2022.
The Director of EOD COE together with other COE directors contributed to the AWD conference organized by NATO ACT in Norfolk form 6 to 8 December 2022. Within four syndicates the attendees discussed and elaborated on the determined topics with the leading theme “Better Today, Stronger Tomorrow”.
On 8th December, based on warm invitation from Commander of the 905th Specialized Combat Support Centre (SCSC) Novaky, the EOD COE representatives have taken part in EOD knowledge exchange.
From 6 to 8 December 2022 the annual event Information Exchange Seminar 2022 (IES 2022) was held in Ingolstadt, Germany.
The organizer of this event, the NATO Military Engineering (MILENG) Centre of Excellence (COE) defined “Counter Mobility” as a main topic for the IES 2022. This topic was not randomly chosen but is dictated by the current status quo concerning capability gaps across the Alliance. Counter Mobility is one shortfall that was identified by the Conference of National Armament Directors (CNAD).
From the 21st to the 25th of November 2022, NATO EOD COE organized NATO CBRN EOD Incident Management Staff Officer Training (CBRN EOD IM SOT) in Trencin and Novaky, Slovakia. The NATO CBRN EOD IM SOT comprised of theoretical lessons and practical exercises combined with live demonstration.
On 29 November 2022 EOD COE hosted a visit of 18 attaches accredited in Slovakia. The delegation was accompanied by the representatives of Slovak MoD.
The Supreme Allied Command Transformation (ACT) organized the Strategic Foresight Workshop; “New Realities" from 14 to 16 November 2022 in Berlin. The aim of the Workshop was to identify key factors and events influencing the trajectory of future trends in order to ensure that the NATO Military Instrument of Power is fit for purpose in the future.
The Danish Defence Command hosted the 63rd Explosive Ordnance Disposal Working Group (EOD WG) Meeting over the period 24-28 October 2022, in Copenhagen, Denmark. This is the most important event for the NATO EOD community of interest.
The 25th NATO EOD COE Steering Committee meeting (SC mtg) was successfully completed. The meeting was held from 17 OCT to 20 OCT 2022 in Trenčín, Slovakia.
The 2022 International Concept Development and Experimentation (ICDE) Conference took place from 25 October to 27 October 2022 in Budapest, Hungary.
Based on ambition to continuously improve the Education and Training deliverables, from 17 OCT to 21 OCT 2022, the NATO EOD COE organized a so called Homemade Explosive Trials (HME Trials).
This year, the HME Trials event was held at the premises of Munition testing center Novaky (SVK).
From 26 SEPT to 6 OCT 2022 the Icelandic Coast Guard hosted multi-national Bomb Disposal Exercise “The Northern Challenge”. The Aim of the exercise was to train response to real-life terrorist incidents involving improvised and military explosive devices, similar to those that have occurred in recent NATO missions and of those to be expected in future missions.
In line with cooperation agreement between NATO EOD COE and the Romanian Land Forces Command, the NATO EOD COE has delivered the Homemade Explosives Course – Basic (HMEC-B) at the Romanian Combat Support Training Center in Ramnicu Valcea.
From 20 SEP to 29 SEP 2022, NATO EOD COE delivered two iterations of the HMEC-B.