The Counter Improvised Explosive Device Annual Discipline Conference (C-IED ADC)

The Counter Improvised Explosive Device Annual Discipline Conference (C-IED ADC)


With respect to Bi-075-002 Education and Training (E&T) policy, the NATO’s appointed C IED discipline Requirement Authority (RA), Department Head (DH) and representatives of the C IED related discipline Education and Training Facilities (ETF) conducted the 7th C IED ADC. The 7th C IED ADC was held from 26 to 27 February 2020 at the C IED COE premises in Hoyo de Manzanares, Spain.

NATO EOD Staff Officer Training, 12-20 FEB 2020

NATO EOD Staff Officer Training, 12-20 FEB 2020


On 12-20 FEB 20, the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Centre of Excellence (EOD COE) conducted the NATO EOD Staff Officer Training in Trencin, Slovakia. The course was organized under the auspices of EOD COE and brought together EOD Subject Matter Experts from Armed Forces of NATO member states as well as Interoprability Platform countries, United Nations, EOD related industry, C-IED COE, JCBRND COE and EOD technical information centre (EODTIC).

19th Military Engineering Working Group

19th Military Engineering Working Group


LTC Constantin EFRIM, Head of Transformation Support Department of NATO EOD COE, together with LTC Alexander HUGYAR, Head of Education and Training Department, participated in the 19th NATO Military Engineering Working Group (MILENG WG) meeting held in Ingolstadt, Germany from 25 to 31 JAN 2020. The entire event was highlighting the challenges in the current threat environment that deserves more demand on national MILENG capabilities.

AJP 3.12 Writing Session

AJP 3.12 Writing Session


From 24th to 25th of January 2020, the MILENG COE organized the final writing session (WS) of AJP-3.12 — Allied Joint Doctrine for Military Engineering within their premises in Ingolstadt, Germany, in accordance with the MCJSB tasking. LTC  Constantin EFRIM, the representative of the EOD COE, contributed to the review and elaboration of the document, especially in the field of EOD expertise.

First meeting of NATO Technical Exploitation Group

First meeting of NATO Technical Exploitation Group


LTC EFRIM, the head of EOD COE Transformation Support Dept, accompanied by LTC Jankura participated in the inaugural meeting of the NATO Technical Exploitation Group (NTEG). Evolving from existing informal the NATO Technical Exploitation community of interest, the formal creation of NTEG was agreed by the NATO Political Committee, including the NTEG Terms of Reference, last year.

Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová visits the Centre

Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová visits the Centre


On 16 January 2020, President  of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová, accompanied by Minister of Defence of the Slovak Republic  Peter Gajdoš and Chief of Defence GEN Daniel Zmeko, during her official programme visited the NATO EOD Centre of Excellence. The distinguished guests were welcome in the premises of the COE by Director COL Róbert Császár.

Representatives of the MILENG COE visit the EOD COE

Representatives of the MILENG COE visit the EOD COE


On 15 January, the MILENG COE delegation led by Colonel LUDWIG (DEU-A), returned a visit to the NATO EOD COE in Trencin, Slovakia.The main purpose of the visit was to exchange information about the Centres’ mission, long and short term objectives as well as fields of cooperation in support of both institutions and their area of interest.

4th MILENG Annual Discipline Conference

4th MILENG Annual Discipline Conference


On 14 January 2020, the NATO EOD COE hosted the 4th MILENG ADC organized by the discipline’s department head in Trencin, Slovakia. The conference was attended by the SHAPE Infrastructure and Engineering/MILENG discipline Requirements Authority, ACO, NATO HQs, the C-IED COE and the ENSEC COE representatives.

22nd NATO C-IED Working Group meeting

22nd NATO C-IED Working Group meeting


The 22nd NATO C-IED Working Group meeting was organized by C-IED Centre of Excellence in Cordoba, Spain, from 10 to 12 December 2019. More than 90 participants representing NATO nations, NATO Command Structure, NATO Force Structure, NSO, C-IED COE, CSW COE, MILENG COE, and EOD COE gathered together to discuss, analyze and find solutions in the area of C-IED standardization.

Saint Barbara Celebration at SWEDEC, Sweden

Saint Barbara Celebration at SWEDEC, Sweden


The NATO EOD COE was invited by the Swedish EOD and Demining Centre to celebrate Saint Barbara as the patron of armourers, military engineers, gunsmiths, miners and anyone else who worked with cannon and explosives. The Chief of Staff, LTC Zsiros, represented the COE in support of strengthening the close relationship and mutual collaboration of training opportunities. 

19th NATO Concept Development and Experimentation Conference

19th NATO Concept Development and Experimentation Conference


The International Concept Development and Experimentation (ICD&E) Conference is the annual forum of Supreme Allied Command Transformation and US Joint Staffs that provides  a unique opportunity for the ICD&E community and stakeholders to discuss the most current issues of concept development and experimentation in the capability development process.

EOD Working Group Meeting

EOD Working Group Meeting


The EOD experts from NATO nations and entities convened in Kiel, Germany, during the semi-annual EOD WG meeting under the umbrella of NATO Standardisation Office. The meeting was held for the first time at Naval Base from 22 to 25 October 2019. This unintentionally served as a visible symbol for recently established EOD in Maritime Environment panel within the WG.

NATO CBRN EOD Incident Management Staff Officer Training

NATO CBRN EOD Incident Management Staff Officer Training


From the 21 to 25 October 2019 the NATO EOD COE organized the NATO CBRN EOD Incident Management Staff Officer Training (CBRN EOD IM SOT) in Trencin and Novaky, Slovakia. The CBRN EOD IM SOT comprised theoretical lessons and practical exercises combined with a live demonstration.

SACT HQ Periodic Assessment Team's On-site visit

SACT HQ Periodic Assessment Team's On-site visit


The HQ SACT Periodic Assessment Team visited the EOD COE on 14-15 OCT 2019. The aim of the visit was to assess whether the EOD COE still meets the accreditation criteria. The final Periodic Assessment Questionnaire 2019 along with the report of the Assessment Team will be submitted to the NATO Military Committee for approval.

40th Allied Joint Doctrine Working Group, Istanbul, Turkey

40th Allied Joint Doctrine Working Group, Istanbul, Turkey


40th Allied Joint Doctrine Working Group (AJOD WG) meeting held in Multinational Joint Warfare Center, Istanbul, Turkey, from 14 to 17 Oct 2019. The aim of the AJOD WG meeting was to enhance NATO forces interoperability through the provision of joint operational level doctrine.