From the 17 APR to 28 APR 2023 the NATO EOD COE delivered to NATO and Interoperability Platform countries the NATO EOD Staff Officer Training (NATO EOD SOT). The NATO EOD SOT was hosted by the Polish Military Engineering and CBRN Training Centre in Wroclaw.
NATO Mountain Warfare Centre of Excellence (NATO MW COE) and the Romanian Land Forces organized the 3-day “Force Protection in Mountain Warfare” seminar in Brașov, Romania, from 25 to 27 April 2023, covering the specifics of Force Protection elements during operations in mountainous environments.
The 26th NATO EOD COE Steering Committee meeting (SC mtg) was successfully completed. The meeting was held from 17 APR to 20 APR 2023 in Prague, CZE.
The annual Multinational Solutions Synchronisation Conference (MSSC) was held from 4th to 6th of April 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic.
His Excellency (H.E.), Dr. Csaba BALOGH, Ambassador of Hungary accredited in Slovakia visited the NATO EOD COE on 05 APR 2023. Colonel Robert CSASZAR, the COE Director warmly welcomed the Hungarian ambassador’s delegation (one of the five Sponsoring Nations) and shared the NATO EOD COE mission, vision and long terms objectives.
From 29 MAR to 30 MAR 2023, the NATO EOD COE hosted the 7th MILENG ADC in Trencin, Slovakia. The event was led by the Military Engineering Centre of Excellence (MILENG COE), as the MILENG Education and Training (E&T) Department Head (DH) and supported by Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation/Joint Force Development (HQ SACT/JFD) and SHAPE JENG division as the MILENG Requirement Authority.
The NATO LL SPRING WEEK 2023 (NLLSW23) was organized by SACT HQ and hosted by the NATO Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence from 28 to 30 March 2023 in Sofia, Bulgaria. LL Community of Interest from NCS, NFS and COEs took part in this event. The EOD COE was represented by a Subject Matter Expert from Lessons Learned and Analysis Branch.
NATO Joint Lessons Learned Centre (JALLC) in close cooperation with Swedish Armed Forces – International Centre (SWEDINT) organized Lessons Learned Staff Officers Course (NLLSOC) held on 20-24 MAR 2023 in Stockholm, Sweden.
From March 7 to March 9, 2023, two members of the EOD COE Technologies Department 2LT David SLATKOVSKY (Project Manager of ETACS project) and MSGT Gabor KOROM (deputy Project Manager of ETACS project), participated in the first edition of the Spatial Computing For C-IED Workshop, which was held at the Marine Etablissement Amsterdam (MEA) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
The NATO EOD COE delegation visited the Latvian EOD E&T provider (Combat Support & Combat Service Support Training Centre - CSCSSTC) under the command LTC Maris UTINANS, LTV TRADOC Commander. The aim of the visit was to inform each other about the capabilities of own entities and to discuss cooperation opportunities in the field of EOD Education and Training (E&T).
Respecting the cross disciplinary function of the Counter Improvised Explosive Disposal (C-IED) Military Discipline in NATO’s Education and Training (E&T), the NATO EOD COE representatives Lieutenant Colonel Alexander HUGYAR and Major Marek VLNKA participated at the 10th C-IED Annual Discipline Conference (ADC).
NATO EOD COE hosted the 1st Writing Session for ATP-3.18.1 Allied Tactical Publication for Explosive Ordnance Disposal, from 28 February to 02 March 2023.
From 06 to 09 FEB 2023, the NATO Allied Command Transformation/Joint Force Development/Education & Training Plans & Programmes Branch (ACT JFD ETPP) called for ADF/IPB I conference. The conference was conducted in Mons, Belgium.
IAW bilateral agreement between NATO EOD COE and ATF, from 06 FEB to 10 FEB 2023 three members of the EOD COE E&TD participated at the Homemade Explosives – Identify, Process, Dispose (IPD) course, at the National Centre for Explosives Training and Research, Huntsville, Alabama, USA.
The head of PCDS Branch MAJ Peter MRAZIK participated to the “NATO use civil standards” workshop, which took place in Athens, Greece, from 07 to 09 February 2023. This event was organized by Hellenic National Defence General Staff.