7th EOD Workshop 2019, Trenčín, Slovakia

7th EOD Workshop 2019, Trenčín, Slovakia


The 7th EOD WS was held in Trencin, Slovakia in the period of 24-26 SEP 2019. The event was open to a wide spectrum of the Subject Matter Experts from NATO and Interoperability Platform Countries what resulted in participation of 80 delegates from 17 nations and 27 international entities representing a significant number of military specialists, producers, and academics.

EOD COE at the 4th C-IED Technology Workshop in Madrid

EOD COE at the 4th C-IED Technology Workshop in Madrid


The fourth edition of the C-IED Technology Workshop was held in cooperation with NATO Emerging Security Challenges and organized by the C-IED COE in Madrid, Spain, from 1 to 3 Oct 2019. Counter-unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS) solutions for IED incidents, advanced standoff detection, technical exploitation and C-IED threat mitigation as centric topics.




On 17 September 2019, the EOD COE had the honour to welcome Gen André Lanata, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT), in Trencin. Since the COE establishment in 2010, it was the first time that SACT has visited the EOD COE. MAJ GEN Pokorný, Deputy Chief of Defence of the Slovak Armed Forces as a host of SACT official tour in Slovakia, accompanied the distinguished delegation.

Home-Made Explosives Courses Advanced in Military Training Area Lešť

Home-Made Explosives Courses Advanced in Military Training Area Lešť


During first two weeks of July 2019 the EOD COE organized two iterations of the Homemade Explosives Course – Advanced. The course consisted of theoretical lectures and practical training scenarios.

First COE Marketplace at NATO HQ

First COE Marketplace at NATO HQ


LTC Sandor Zsiros,the  EOD COE Chief of Staff, accompanied by LTC Milan Jankura (Transformation Support department) and MSGT Gergely Brandt (Technology department) advertised the EOD COE during the COE Marketplace organized at NATO HQ in Brussels, Belgium, from 15 to 16 July 2019.

Romanian EOD Training Base Delegation visits EOD COE

Romanian EOD Training Base Delegation visits EOD COE


From 2 to 4 July 2019 Romanian EOD Training Base Commander LTC Catalin SARACU accompanied by EOD Chief Instructor LTC Ionel BACANU visited the Centre and observed the delivery of HME-A (Homemade Explosives Course Advanced) in Military Training Area (MTA) Lest.

Swedish Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Demining Centre (SWEDEC) visits NATO EOD COE

Swedish Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Demining Centre (SWEDEC) visits NATO EOD COE


Following the NATO EOD COE visit of SWEDEC in May 2019, Commanding Officer Captain Royal Sweden Navy (RSwN) Frederik H D Peedu, accompanied by Regimental Sergeant Major Rasmus Garnå visited NATO EOD COE.

Home-Made Explosives Courses-Basic in Bechyně, the Czech Republic

Home-Made Explosives Courses-Basic in Bechyně, the Czech Republic


The course was delivered by the EOD COE Mobile Training Team within the premises of the 15th The NATO EOD COE organized two iterations of the Homemade Explosives Course – basic.Engineer Regiment in Bechyně. The duration of each course iteration was three days and both courses were delivered from 28th  of May till 5th of June.

21st NATO C-IED Working Group Meeting

21st NATO C-IED Working Group Meeting


The 21st NATO C-IED Working Group meeting was hosted by Hellenic National Defence General Staff in Loutraki, Greece, from 17 to 21 JUN 2019. More than 60 participants, representing NATO nations, NATO commands, NSO, C-IED COE, CSW COE, MILENG COE and EOD COE, gathered together to discuss, analyze and find solutions in the area of C-IED standardization.

18th NATO MILENG Working Group Meeting

18th NATO MILENG Working Group Meeting


COL Császár, the director NATO EOD COE, together with LTC Jankura from Transformation Support Department, participated in the 18th NATO MILENG Working Group meeting held in Rome, Italy from 10 to 14 JUN 2019.Aim of the meeting was information exchange, review of ongoing tasks and update on MILENG related publications.

16th International Meeting of Pyrotechnicians

16th International Meeting of Pyrotechnicians


The Czechoslovak Legionnaire community with the 15th Engineer regiment and the Czech Republic Police Education and Training department, Pardubice, hosted the 16th International meeting of EOD and bomb technicians (INMEP) 2019. The conference was held from 03 June to 07 June 2019 in the South Bohemia, the Czech Republic.

160 years of Romanian Military Engineering

160 years of Romanian Military Engineering


The director of the EOD COE had an honour to attend the official celebration ceremony of Romanian engineers. The event took place on 31 May 2019 in Bordusani training area.The activity was led by the commander of the 10th Engineer Brigade COL IONESCU and it was attended by several distinguished guests from Romania and other NATO countries.

Individual Training and Education Programming (ITEP) Planning Board

Individual Training and Education Programming (ITEP) Planning Board


The IPB I Conference  was hosted by NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (ENSEC COE) Vilnius, Lithuania, from 21 May to 23 May 2019. During the event, there were revised NATO’s Education and Training processes of the Global Programming and explained some of the NATO HQs organizational challenges.

39th MCJSB Allied Joint Doctrine WG meeting

39th MCJSB Allied Joint Doctrine WG meeting


The aim of the AJOD WG meeting was to enhance NATO forces interoperability through the provision of joint operational level doctrine that included the development, review and harmonization of Allied joint publications (AJPs) and advise the Military Committee on Allied joint doctrine topics and issues. 

5th Meeting of the SCI-298 Research Task Group (RTG)

5th Meeting of the SCI-298 Research Task Group (RTG)


The 5th meeting of the SCI-298 Research Task Group (RTG), “Identification and Neutralization Methods and Technologies for C-IED,” was held at the U.S. General Consulate, Frankfurt, Germany, from 07 to 09 May 2019.