58th NATO EOD Working Group meeting

58th NATO EOD Working Group meeting


The EOD COE delegation represented by COL Róbert Császár, LTC Alexander Hugyar, LTC Milan Jankura and CPT Ján Bak participated in the 58th NATO EOD Working Group meeting held in Eksjo, Sweden from 6 to 10 May 2019. Aim of the meeting was information exchange, review of ongoing tasks and update on EOD publications.

Serbian Delegation visits the Centre

Serbian Delegation visits the Centre


On 26 April 2019, COL Róbert CSÁSZÁR, the Director of the EOD COE, hosted the visit of LTC Predrag DŽOSIC from the Staff of Operations of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces accompanied by MAJ Predrag STANCEVIC and MAJ Cedo SPASOJEVIC. During discussion, the Serbian guests expressed their interest in closer cooperation in the future mainly as the education and  training of EOD operators are concerned.

Polish Armed Forces Military Engineers' Day

Polish Armed Forces Military Engineers' Day


Based on the invitation of Chief of Military Engineering Directorate COL Wawrzyniak, the Director of EOD COE together with other NATO Chief Engineers attended the Polish Armed Forces Military Engineers’ Day in Warsaw. the guests celebrated the 20th anniversary of the accession of the Poland to NATO. During this occasion the guests visited the 2nd Combat Engineer Regiment in Kazun and received a full brief about the Polish engineer organization and its capabilities.

18th EOD COE Steering Committee Meeting

18th EOD COE Steering Committee Meeting


The 18th EOD COE SC Meeting was held on 8 – 12 April 2019 in the premises of the Polish MILENG & CBRN Training Centre in Wroclaw, Poland. Sponsoring Nations representatives met to discuss & find consensus on financial issues, amendments to job descriptions, issues related to CIS and its enhancement of cyber defence. All issues in agenda were solved also due to the great and cordial support of Polish Chief Engineer COL Wawrzyniak. 

16th International Symposium Mine Action 2019

16th International Symposium Mine Action 2019


The Croatian Mine Action Centre and Croatian Mine Action Centre - Centre for Testing, Development and Training organized the 16th International Symposium Mine Action 2019 from 8th to 11th April 2019 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The symposium topics reflected current challenges in mine action but also enabled the attendees to present their knowledge and gained experiences from all around the world.

ACO Force Protection WG Meeting

ACO Force Protection WG Meeting


Following the Request for Feedback and based on the NATO Doctrine Tasks, the custodian of Allied Joint Doctrine for Force Protection (AJP-3.14) called for already second writing team meeting. The aim of the meeting was to review the rest of the comments received from the working draft of the revised AJP-3.14. The second meeting was held from 1 – 5 April 2019 in the premises of JAPCC in Kalkar, Germany.

01-19 NATO EOD Staff Officer Training

01-19 NATO EOD Staff Officer Training


From 01 APR to 12 APR 2019, the NATO Explosive Ordnance Disposal Centre of Excellence (NATO EOD COE) delivered the NATO EOD SOT.The overall course curricula was featured by theoretical lectures on Explosive Ordnance (EO) related Risk & Threat management, EOD capabilities and limitations on multinational deployment, as well as by scenario based training  on EOD activities in support of multinational operations.

Home-Made Explosives – Basic (HME-B) Level of Course 2019

Home-Made Explosives – Basic (HME-B) Level of Course 2019


To support NATO common C-IED effort in the pillar - prepare the force,the NATO EOD COE organized two iterations of the HME-B level of course. Both course iterations were performed within the premises of the Ammunition Testing Centre in Novaky, Slovakia. The first iteration was conducted from 13 MAR to 15 MAR 2019 and the second one from 18 MAR to 20 MAR 2019.

Military Engineering Annual Discipline Conference (MILENG ADC) 2019

Military Engineering Annual Discipline Conference (MILENG ADC) 2019


Referring to the guidance provided by the  Bi-SC 075-002 “Education and Training Policy” and the NATO’s appointed MILENG discipline Requirement Authority (RA), Department Head (DH) and dedicated stakeholders on  MILENG Global Programming, involved representatives of the MILENG discipline conducted the 3rd MILENG ADC. The conference was held on 28th JAN 2019 at the MILENG COE premises in Ingolstadt, DEU. 

Counter Improvised Explosive Device Annual Discipline Conference (C-IED ADC) 2019

Counter Improvised Explosive Device Annual Discipline Conference (C-IED ADC) 2019


In accordance with NATO approach to Global Programming Framework (GPF) in Education and Training (E&T), the   C-IED COE, as the C-IED military discipline Department Head (DH) hosted the 6th C-IED ADC. Selected NATO headquarters, international and national Education and Training Facilities (ETF) representatives attended the conference to review the C-IED Discipline Alignment Plan (DAP).

3rd Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic

3rd Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic


The  3rd Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield Workshop   was held in the PVA EXPO Prague, Czech Republic on 16-19 October 2018. The workshop was conducted by the NATO EOD COE team with the support of the NCI Agency and the contribution of MILMED COE.

CBRN EOD Incident Management Staff Officers Training completed

CBRN EOD Incident Management Staff Officers Training completed


The second iteration of CBRN EOD Incident Management Staff Officer Training (CBRN EOD IM SOT) organized by the NATO EOD COE took place in Trencin and the National EOD and CBRN Centre in Novaky from 15th October till 19th October 2018. The CBRN EOD IM SOT comprised theoretical and practical lessons combined with a live demonstration.

NATO EOD Demonstrations and Trials 2018 Bratislava, Slovakia, 19-20 SEP 2018

NATO EOD Demonstrations and Trials 2018 Bratislava, Slovakia, 19-20 SEP 2018


“Multidisciplinary approach to EOD” was the leading theme of the two-day NATO EOD Demonstrations & Trials 2018 event held on 19 – 20 September 2018 at the premises of the Incheba EXPO Center in Bratislava and organized by the NATO Explosive Ordnance Disposal Centre of Excellence in cooperation with the NATO MILENG (Germany) and C-IED (Spain) Centres of Excellence.

Global Explosive Ordnance Disposal Symposium & Exhibition (GESE) 2018

Global Explosive Ordnance Disposal Symposium & Exhibition (GESE) 2018


During two full days, between 14 and 15 AUG 2018, National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) in partnership with the EOD Warrior Foundation organized the 2018 Global Explosive Ordnance Disposal Symposium & Exhibition (GESE) at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, North Bethesda, MD, USA.

Home-Made Explosives Course - Advanced in Military Training Area Lešť

Home-Made Explosives Course - Advanced in Military Training Area Lešť


During first two weeks of July 2018 the EOD COE organized two runs of the Homemade Explosives Course – Advanced. The courses were performed with the assistance of Subject Matter Experts from US Department of Justice Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF),  Thermo Fischer Scientific (USA), Quinetiq (USA), Alluviam (USA), Institute of Energetic Materials (University of Pardubice, CZE), SWEDEC (SWE), EOD Group (BEL), 15th Engineering Regiment (CZE) and National Centre of EOD and CBRN (SVK).