The Defence Attaché of Germany in Slovakia LTC (GS) Rüdiger Heinrich accompanied by 1st SGT Dennis Rudolf visited the EOD Centre of Excellence on 8th July 2021.uestions and answers session followed the fruitful discussion and focused on topics how COVID-19 affected the activities of the Centre and which new initiatives it has provoked such as better utilisation of virtual tools or focusing on online education and training activities.
The NATO Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Centre of Excellence (COE) as the custodian for the Allied Joint Doctrine for Explosive Ordnance Disposal Support to Operations AJP-3.18 organized from 23 to 24 June 2021 the first Writing Session (1st AJP-3.18 WS) as an online event (CISCO-WebEx). Based on Allied Joint Doctrine Campaign Plan, the target date for promulgation is April 2023.
EOD COE launched cooperation with SVK AF CIMIC combat camera team in order to prepare optimization of several training opportunities. First series of recordings that will be followed by several future sessions was conducted in the premises of the EOD COE on 25-26 MAY 2021. Emphasis of this project will fully concentrate on knowledge which does not necessarily require physical presence of the training audience.
On May 20th, 2021, the Ambassador of the Hungary to Slovakia, H.E. Mr Tibor PETŐ and Defence Attaché LTC Csaba VIDA visited the NATO EOD Centre of Excellence. EOD COE Director COL Robert CSASZAR presented to the distinguished guests the history, mission, vision, activities of the EOD COE, completed and ongoing projects and courses.
The 8th EOD WS held on 05-06 May 2021 was an indirect continuum of the EOD LL seminars and workshops organised by the EOD COE since 2012. This year, the event designed for the EOD and related Communities of Interest was organised as an online event for the first time.
Due to the COVID-19 circumstances, the meeting was held as a video teleconference using the WebEx platform. The aim of MILENG WG was to improve military engineering capabilities within the NATO capability development framework. The next WG meeting will be held in Ingolstadt, Germany from 14 to 18 June 2021.
With respect to NATO’s Global programming principles, the NATO’s appointed MILENG discipline Requirement Authority (RA), Department Head (DH) and representatives of the MILENG discipline Education and Training Facilities (ETF) conducted the 5th MILENG ADC.
The government of Slovak Republic declared the state of emergency and adopted further measures to avoid spreading of coronavirus among inhabitants of the SR on 1 October 2020 with the validity for 45 days. All available SVK soldiers were assigned to the COVID-19 testing teams within the Trenčín county, proudly supported the Operation and flawlessly represented the NATO EOD COE.
Despite of Covid-19 crisis the 21st EOD COE Steering Committee Meeting was held in Trenčin, Slovakia from 13 to 15 October 2020 and hosted by EOD COE Director COL Robert Csaszar (SVK-A). The meeting was focused on the COE´s Programme of Work 2021, budget 2021, MTFP 2022 – 2026, EOD COE FAPs update and other issues related to the EOD COE tasks and responsibilities.
From 09 – 18 SEP 2020, the EOD COE conducted the second iteration of NATO EOD Staff Officer Training in Trenčín, Slovakia. The course brought together EOD Subject Matter Experts from Armed Forces of NATO member states as well as Interoperability Platform countries, United Nations, EOD related industry, C-IED COE and JCBRND COE.
From 31 AUG to 3 SEP 2020, the members of C-IED COE, NMIOTC (NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Centre) and EOD COE together with national representatives of Greece, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands participated in the writing session focused on the review and update of Commanders and Staff Handbook for C-IED.
On 9 July 2020, on the occasion of comming end of tour of LTC Constantin EFRIM, (ROU-A), EOD COE Transformation Support Department Head, he together with the members of his team paid tribute to the 122 fallen Romanian soldiers in WWI buried at the Military Cementery in Trenčín-Kubrá. This National Heritage Site cemetery, located in the area of the military ammunition depot, was reopened a year ago on the occasion of 100th anniversary of the WWI Armistice.
The EOD COE was honoured by visit of the Slovak Minister of Defense Jaroslav Naď during his official visit of some military units in Trenčín Garrison on 14 May 2020. The Minister also paid its attention to the impact of COVID-19 crisis on the personnel and activities of the Centre and how they have tackled with the situation. Minister of Defense was interested in future challenges of the COE and the support of Slovakia as the framework nation.
To increase the level of knowledge in the area of Home made explosives (HME), the representatives of NATO EOD COE, CPT Ján BAK and CPT Martin KLUSÁČEK, attended the Home Made Explosives – Identify, Process, Dispose (IPD) course organized by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in National Center for Explosives Training and Research, Huntsville, Alabama, USA.
Pilot workshop “NATO use of civil standards” was organized based on the Alliance “Action Plan on Strengthening Education and Training on NATO Standardization” and focused on stressing the preference of using civil standards over military – as one of the biggest challenge in NATO standardization communities.