The ACT FOGO visited the NATO EOD COE

The ACT FOGO visited the NATO EOD COE


On 4th of June 2018, the outgoing DACOS C2, Deployability and Sustatinability Commodore Arne Morten Groenningsaeter and incoming Brigadier General Dag Rist Aamoth accompanied with their assistants paid a visit to the EOD COE.

56th EOD Working Group meeting

56th EOD Working Group meeting


The EOD COE delegation represented by COL R. Császár, LTC C. Efrim, LTC A. Hugyar, MAJ M. Jankura and Mr. P. Dudra participated in the 56th EOD Working Group meeting that was held in USA, FWB from 14 to 18 MAY 2018.
Aim of the meeting was information exchange, review of ongoing processes and update on EOD publications.

Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield - 2nd Workshop

Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield - 2nd Workshop


As a part of the Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield project, the second Workshop was held in the Military Base Maj Housiau Quartier Peutie, Vilvoorde, Belgium on 6-8 March 2018.

NATO EOD Staff Officers Training February 2018

NATO EOD Staff Officers Training February 2018


The COE started its educational process 2018 with the NATO EOD SOT course. The first iteration lasted from 12 to 23 February 2018 with participation of 13 students (11 from NATO countries and 2 from Finland and Austria).
The course was organized as a blended delivery course. The students successfully attended an ADL prerequisite prior the in-class part of the course.

Colonel Császár Assumes Command of EOD COE in a Official Hadover Ceremony from Colonel Mrváň

Colonel Császár Assumes Command of EOD COE in a Official Hadover Ceremony from Colonel Mrváň


After four very successful, but challenging years, Colonel Mrváň
leaves EOD COE, handing over e command and responsibility to his sucesor, Colonel Róbert Császár, SVK(A), with effect 01 March 2018.

2nd Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield Workshop - Planning Conference

2nd Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield Workshop - Planning Conference


The conference  organized on purpose to prepare the 2nd IEBWS 2018 (Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield Workshop) is aiming to discuss and coordinate workshop, then discuss organizational issues and participants' requirements and
introduce scenarios for live demos. The Planning Conference will take place at the Military Base Maj Housiau Quartier Peutie, Vilvoorde (near Brussels), Belgium on 7 February 2018.

2nd Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield Workshop

2nd Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield Workshop


The main objectives of the 2nd Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield Workshop 2018 is to investigate how the exoskeleton technology currently available on the market may apply direct assistance to the EOD operators and how it can support and enhance  the eod team mobility, endurance, and precision. The workshop will be take place at the Military Base Maj Housiau Quartier Peutie, Vilvoorde (near Brussels), Belgium on 06-08 March 2018.

NATO EOD COE hosted the 2nd NATO RTG SCI-298 Task Group Meeting for Identification and Neutralization Methods and Technologies for C-IED

NATO EOD COE hosted the 2nd NATO RTG SCI-298 Task Group Meeting for Identification and Neutralization Methods and Technologies for C-IED


Regarding to SCI-298 Programme of Work the 2nd Task Group Meeting was held on 6-7 December 2017 at the NATO EOD COE in Trencin. The SCI-298 RTG aims to follow the process undertaken by the SCI-233 RTG, but it will specifically address the capabilities and limitations of identification and neutralization technologies and combinations of systems.

Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield Workshop 2017

Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield Workshop 2017


The first workshop was aimed to provide opportunities to academia, scientists, industry and military representatives to deepen and discuss issues related technologies to Exoskeletons for Human Performance Augmentation (EHPA) currently available in the market as well as to the latest achievements in this field.

Home-Made Explosives Courses-Basic in Szentendre, Hungary

Home-Made Explosives Courses-Basic in Szentendre, Hungary


Two course iterations were performed in the form of a mobile training team within the premises of the the NCO Academy in Szentendre, Hungary. The duration of each course iteration was three days and both iterations were delivered between 4th of September and 14th of September. A total of 32 participants were trained.

Defence and Security Equipment International Event DSEI 2017

Defence and Security Equipment International Event DSEI 2017


On 13 September 2017, the Specialist of EOD Technologies Department Libor Nyéki visited  Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) exhibition in London. DSEI exhibition is the world-leading event that brings together the global defence and security sector to innovate and share knowledge. DSEI represents the entire supply chain on an unrivalled scale.

EOD/IEDD Equipment Catalogue - Announcement

EOD/IEDD Equipment Catalogue - Announcement


We are proud to inform you that our EOD/IEDD Equipment Catalogue has undertaken a new upgrade. The upgraded catalogue provides you with more information about EOD/IEDD equipment as brochures, training manuals, user's opinion statistics and much more. Moreover, a discussion forum should serve as information exchange between catalogue users. The catalogue is developing day by day, therefore we appreciate any your comment or proposal for its further improvement.

Home-Made Explosives Courses - Advanced

Home-Made Explosives Courses - Advanced


The courses were held on the premises of Military training area Lešť. The courses were performed from July 3 to July 7, 2017 and from July 10 to July 14, 2017 respectively. A total of 32 participants from 13 NATO and PfP countries were trained in theoretical lectures and practical trainnig scenarios.

Commander of the Military Academy Vyskov, CZE visits the NATO EOD COE

Commander of the Military Academy Vyskov, CZE visits the NATO EOD COE


On 22 JUN 2017, the Commander of the Military Academy Vyskov, CZE, Brigadier General Josef Kopecky, MSc visited the NATO EOD COE and the ongoing CBRN EOD IM SOT Course.

First CBRN EOD Incident Management Staff Officer Training        (CBRN EO IM SOT)

First CBRN EOD Incident Management Staff Officer Training (CBRN EO IM SOT)


From 19th June until 23rd June 2017 NATO EOD COE delivered the first iteration of the CBRN EOD Incident Management Staff Officer Training which took place at the Military Garrison House, Trencin and the National EOD and CBRN Centre's facilities in Novaky, Slovakia.